The Interview with cam girl queen, Lexie Lioness, continues. In case you missed it, be sure to check out part 1.

Jules: So what inspired the name Lexie Lioness? 

Lexie: I’m a Leo and I’ve just always loved lions. When I made my Instagram like a decade ago, I decided to use that as my username and then just started using that as my name on other platforms for continuity. Lexie is already a sexual name because it rhymes with sexy, right? I actually have cat ears and an anal plug lion tail so every now and then, I’ll do some light cosplay. 

Jules: Love it! You ARE such a lioness – strong and fierce. And it really sticks in the mind, you know? 

Lexie: Yeah, the alliteration does that. Over the years, people that only know me through Instagram will meet me in real life and address me as Lexie Lioness and I’m like, “That’s totally cool with me!”  I feel like it describes me as a person also. Sometimes when I close my eyes to fall asleep, I see images of lions, so at this point, it feels like I’ve really become a lioness.

Jules: Amazing! I have a similar spirit animal connection to the swan. I took a fuck load of shrooms one time and had this crazy metamorphosis where I died and was reborn a swan. Ever since then, I’ve been obsessed with them. 

Lexie: Cool!

Jules: So a big thing that drew me into sugar babying was the whole “living outside the matrix thing?” Considering we met at an ashram, I feel like you can probably relate?

Lexie: Yeah, I mean, that’s the reason I’m still doing it. I’ve been living with friends up in the mountains. One is a clothing designer and photographer so we do collabs together sometimes. Even if we don’t even interact work-wise, it’s just nice having someone who’s always working right next door, you know?

Speaker: Sounds like a little incubator!

Lexie: Yeah, totally. The whole online content creator thing can be a double-edged sword though. You really have to be an internet creature if you want to be successful, and sometimes, I’m really repulsed by the internet. There are times, like if I’m going through a mental health crisis, that I take a step away from work. I did that over the holidays when I was starting to burnout. I still made like $200 or $300 during those two months because there were a few people that just stuck around, even after I raised my subscription to 20 bucks. 

Jules: That’s not nothing! Especially considering that it’s passive income. So aside from taking breaks, what advice would you give to someone trying to get into the camming game?

Lexie: I’ve had various experiences where I felt like I was losing my integrity to some extent. Once I realized it, I was like, “I want my fans to work for me, I don’t want to work for them.” Of course there’s exceptions. If there’s a guy who pays me $50 up front and then respectfully asks me to make a video, I’m cool with that because I know he is serious. 

Jules: I totally relate to having experiences that made me question my integrity. I would enter a situation with strict boundaries about how far I was willing to go or what my financial expectations were, but then I’d cave and leave feeling icky. I think a big part of that was how financially desperate I was at any given time. If I realized it was an all or nothing deal, I’d suck it up so I could walk away with at least something. 

Lexie: I know the feeling. Another thing I would add is that it’s important to find your niche and to embrace what makes you different. I don’t have the typical industry look. I’m not a bimbo. I don’t have fake lips or fake eyelashes. Sometimes, I’ll put lashes on for a shoot but in general, I don’t really fit the mold and it’s better that way. 

I might not end up becoming one of the top sellers or anything but I’m doing alright. Last month I worked pretty hard and bought two rounds of promo. I made almost $2,000 and I mean that’s really not enough to get by California but it certainly helps. 

Jules: That’s definitely not chump change!

Lexie: Yeah, I could live off of half of that in Thailand, easy.

Speaker: Hell yeah! You could live in luxury over there off of that. 

Lexie: I had someone reach out to me recently about creating an OnlyFan’s How-To Guide. It would be a course I could make passive income from. I told him I didn’t think I was the right fit because I haven’t become insanely successful there or anything. I’ve just made enough to get by. He said that’s perfect, but I don’t know. I feel like I need to know more before I commit but it’s cool knowing that these other options that don’t even require as much energy as OnlyFans does are out there to pursue. 

Speaker: It’s all about that passive income! So would you say there’s a certain personality type that makes someone better suited for camming?

Lexie: Totally. When people ask me about this, I’m always like, “you got to be built for it.” Not physically but mentally, and the moment you’re feeling like you’re not that’s a sign that you need to step away and take care of yourself. 

The other day, I had a friend ask if I felt weird knowing so many people are getting off to me, and I was like, “I don’t really think about it but if anything, it’s kind of cool.” I don’t think that it’s affecting me in a way that feels energetically off. It’s very mentally tough having your worth tied to your sexual being though.

Speaker: Forreal! Sometimes I would question if what I was doing was really the liberated boss bitch move I had convinced myself it was or merely a manifestation of my own internalized misogyny. Like with my daddy dom fetish thing, is that just a kink or do I have some serious daddy issues I need to be working out in therapy?

Lexie: I know! I think people like you and I just have an easier time being openly intimate and sexual than a lot of people, but I’m constantly checking in, asking myself, “Is this my trauma or is this really my purpose?” 

I get approached all the time by other women who are like, “how are you so comfortable with your sexuality?” Because they want to know how they can be that way too. There’s this desire for women to feel safer in their bodies. Even if it doesn’t go to the degree that I take it to, there are so many ways for women to express themselves and feel free.

Jules: Yess girl! The hyper-capitalist culture we are a part of literally runs off of making us feel insecure about our bodies. What would incentive us to spend loads of money on anti-aging cream and boob jobs if we actually felt like we were good enough? 

Self-love is honestly the most radical thing you can do in this society. Learning to love your body in a world where you’re taught to hate it is quite an impressive feat. Kudos to you, Lexie Lioness!

Lexie: Thanks! Since I started camming, I’ve come to love my butthole. I didn’t even know it was something that could be loved but I’ve just gotten so much positive feedback, not just from strangers who have seen it online, but from lovers too. 

I would have never come into such an awareness of the physicality of my parts if it wasn’t for camming.  It kind of turned a page for me, in that it really inspired me to like to take my self-love to an even higher degree.

Jules: Cheers to that! Sugaring definitely made me more appreciative of my body as well. It’s counterintuitive that this notoriously exploitative industry can actually facilitate body positivity but in a way, it certainly does. 

So where can people find you in all your body positivity glory? 

Lexie:  You can find me on the following platforms: 

OnlyFans: @ lexielioness

Instagram @ lexielioness

Twitter  @ lexielioness222 

TikTok @ lexielioness222 

Jules: Amazing! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview. Don’t be a stranger and fingers crossed our paths will cross again at Burning Man this year.

Lexie: Of course, it’s been fun. And yes for sure, we’ll have to have a smoke sesh next time we see each other.

Jules: Can’t wait!

content creator



Based in Brooklyn, Jules has dedicated her twenties towards harnessing her pussy power, exploring the muse, whore, and wild woman archetypes along the way. When not blogging, you can find her sweating the toxins out in a hot yoga class or sipping a matcha latte at a pretentious coffee shop, whilst she scribbles away in her journal.

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