Want to be a Sensuali Specialist? A Master Member? Here’s how to make your profile as attractive as possible to the hosts, and increase your chances of truly worthwhile interactions.

1. A Strong Bio

The bio is one of the most important parts of your profile. It’s going to be the main aspect that shows hosts what sort of person you are. Here are some top tips.

Create An Image of Yourself

An unfilled or very short bio indicates that you’re not too serious about your profile and therefore might be unreliable, meaning that people will be less likely to interact with you. Your bio is the place to showcase the kind of person you really are, as a human. Think about how your loved ones would describe you, what you value the most, the sort of things you enjoy about life.

Remember that once people meet you, they’ll soon see who you really are. So there’s no point in coming up with a persona.  In fact,  if you actively acknowledge what you perceive to be your flaws, it shows that you’re self aware and at ease with your personality. So just be honest as you can- warts n’ all. That’s real big dick energy.

Explain What You’re Looking For

If you explain the reason why you’re on Sensuali from the get-go, it’s going to make your experience a lot smoother. When a host sees what you’re looking for, they can decide whether it matches up to what they are offering. There’s no judgement here, whether you want a quick rendezvous or a long term liaison, you don’t need to hide your true desires. In fact, the more detail you provide, the better!

However it’s always best to be respectful. There’s no need at all for saying what you want by critiquing specific things, ie: ‘no plastic girls’ ‘no smokers’.  In truth, this is going to make you come across pretty close minded. Instead you could phrase it as ‘yes to natural girls!’ ‘yes to heath conscious people!’ Simples.

Stay Positive

This leads on from the previous point. Being super negative is never going to create a good first impression. There’s little point in telling strangers on the internet what to do. ‘Don’t message if you’re blonde’ is not only going drive blonde people away, but it will also drive off the brunettes, the redheads and the rest of them. It’s counter productive.

Keep It Concise

A nice, well thought out paragraph is more than enough. In today’s age, the majority of people don’t have the attention span to be reading through paras and paras. Especially when it comes to online dating/services, where there’s plenty of profiles to go through.

Spell Check!

‘Intelligent refined businessman looking too see if your naughty ;)’ immediately screams that you’re not so intelligent or refined. It doesn’t take two minutes to spellcheck. And it makes miles of difference.


2. Photos that Represent You

Ideally, a photo of your face is going to make your profile a million times more successful. But if you don’t feel comfortable with this (totally understandable), at least upload a photo that you feel represents you as a person. It could be a more subtle photo of you, part of your face, or a headless pic, but you could also upload a photo of a place you’ve visited, a pet you own, an album cover that you like, even- dare i say, a meme… These things give information about who you are and they can make great conversation starters. The way I like to think of it, is to upload pictures that in some way or another, show your soul. Nothing’s worse than nothing.

3. Fill Out Your Profile

The fuller the profile, the more you are distinguishing yourself from other members. Adding what languages you speak, describing how you look, linking your website- these things all build up a proper picture of you to a host. Meaning that they’re more likely to remember your profile and interact with you.

4. Respectful Messaging

Nobody wants to receive a sext as a first message. Or to be sent a blunt, half-assed message that makes them feel less like a human and more like a product. Check out the profile of your host, and perhaps send them a message that shows that you’ve taken a look at it. It will make the host feel like you actually are interested and aren’t copying and pasting the same message over and over. However, if you’re more into a simple ‘hey’, adding a smiley face at the end changes the vibe of the message very much! Sensuali is about being sex-positive, open minded and respectful. Anything goes here, as long as it doesn’t cause harm to anyone else.




Sensuali guidelines
how-to guide



Iso is a writer and filmmaker based in East London. She is passionate about all things erotic and leads a sexy, shame-free life in hope that she can inspire others to do the same. Originally from a Northern seaside town, she is naturally drawn to the best things in life: candyfloss, trashy karaoke bars and heart-shaped sunglasses.

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