JV Marx is something of an internet heartthrob. Also known by his Instagram handle, hotmarkzucc, indicating his strong likeness to Mark Zuckerberg, Los Angeles-based JV is an erotic content creator, artist and writer, whose portfolio of online work speaks for itself. From his Four Chambers performance to his online artistry, he is here to share with Sensuali his personal journey and how he earned the reputation of the ‘Gooning King’.


Could you introduce yourself and what you do?

Hi, my name is JV Marx and I’m a content creator, performer and writer. 

JV Marx by Ryan Pfluger.
JV Marx by Ryan Pfluger.

What made you get into adult performing?

Erotic art really sought me out, actually. My background is in acting, and everything I’ve ever done, even since I was a kid, was super laced with sexuality lol. I grew up doing Shakespeare in the park down by the river in Severna Park, MD, and everything I was tasked with was always so bawdy – Malvolio in Twelfth Night, Mercutio in R & J (Romeo got Mono so I ended up learning his part in like a week or something, but still). 

And then in college, when I was legally allowed to take my clothes off, all bets were off. I think in like, Scene Study II, everyone was doing Tennessee Williams scenes – and my teacher was just unsatisfied with the scenes she kept picking for me and my two scene partners. She ended up giving us a James Purdy piece from Ruthanna Elder – in which I strip entirely naked and roleplay my father molesting me with another boy. This was a Meisner unit, which basically entails doing what you’re “actually doing” – so my balls were out in a 200-level course. And it was asked of me because it fit. I have a raw kind of nature, and I can have some scary energy as a casting option. People just wanted to see me in those rawer, darker moments on stage. 

Once I started doing more experimental theatre and performance – all of which was very naked, all of which my parents and aunts and friends came to see – it was a very normal and comfortable thing for me to embrace my sexuality.

So, when I started webcamming in 2018 or something – there was nothing I ever had to hide from my parents and stuff. This is my biggest privilege that allowed me to grow and express myself. I had support. Reluctant support at first, but support. 

It kind of took off from there, and I worked hard to build what I have going today. I realized it was something I could put my artistry into and make money doing, so yeah. 

Meet the Gooning King: erotic content creator JV Marx
JV Marx.

What’s been the highlight of your content creation career?

The highlights of my career have always been the things that I like, dreamed of and just came true. Working with Four Chambers in London was a major highlight – a friend reached out to me one day and was like, wait, this really hot famous goth chick I love is following you! I checked out her page, and she DM’d me that day saying “Hey, I have an idea” – I jokingly wrote back, “Is it a double mommy son breastfeeding scene?” – and she said, “literally yes.” 

Something is coming out this fall that is also a major highlight, but that’s all hush for now. I think the highlights of my career are actually on their way. 


Could you explain, in your own words, what gooning is?

Gooning is a masturbation kink basically where people get super into edging and porn and the whole vibe of jacking off, allowing yourself to fully enjoy it as its own fully realized sexual act.

For gay dudes, gooning is really distinguished by uninhibited vocal and facial expressions that is wild, dumb looking, primal, and brutish.

Straight dudes don’t really include the facial stuff in their practice, which is more about porn obsession. Girls goon too, but it’s mostly a guy thing for many reasons, some super obvious, and some more nuanced. 

Meet the Gooning King: erotic content creator JV Marx
JV Marx.

What is your favourite type of content to make and why?

I don’t really have a specific favorite category or genre, but I really love the videos and photos I take that come to me in the moment – like I’m just hanging out in the bathtub, and I notice something beautiful about the light or something, and a whole little video comes out of that. I dread planning things out, it’s hard for me to get excited about that. 


When was the first time you discovered gooning?

It’s hard to say, because looking back on it there are a lot of things that were goony back in the day before knowing what that was. I remember my cousin telling me that he and his buddy were jacking off for hours once, and they came so hard it shot the wall behind them. That’s very goony…

I remember getting really hot in the face, and being surprised that like, wow guys can do that together? Or a friend in middle school telling me that his buddy would get really loud before he came, like grunting and screaming and stuff and laughing about that. I think I was just surprised by the wildness and of these freely expressed private acts being shared amongst friends. 

Meet the Gooning King: erotic content creator JV Marx
JV Marx by Florian Hetz.

Do you think gooning is a trend, lifestyle or a fetish?

I mean, there’s a trend right now. Gooning and edging is like a meme of the moment. Every streamer and memer is shitposting about gooning. Trixie is always joking about it. I’m sure people will get over that eventually.

And I think it can definitely be a lifestyle – some people approach gooning stuff from a solo sexual point of view. That’s a lifestyle. But also like, gooning taps into a lot of tropes of masculinity, sloth, excess, depravity, and hypersexuality – some kinks have lifestyle components. Cucking is a lifestyle. Being a sub is a lifestyle. 


Has making content impacted your own sexuality?

I think I enjoy sex more, because I have gotten to know myself better through experimenting and making content. 

I don’t really sext. Like, if there’s a naked picture of me it’s going online – I don’t have time or energy to be doing little cam shows or photoshoots for any random fuckboy online. 

Meet the Gooning King: erotic content creator JV Marx
JV Marx.

Advice for those interested in starting sex work?

I would say now is a bad time to start, because legally pornography is facing a pretty rocky future in the next few years – on the state and federal level, as well as abroad.

So, my advice would be to follow the Free Speech Coalition (@FSCArmy) and do what you can to get involved and informed, start discussions with your peers and raise awareness about the issues facing the adult industry and free speech online. Because without a lot of hard work and people talking about this stuff, and how pornography is literally in danger of existing at all, there isn’t going to be any sex work to be done. 

That aside, I think you have to do what works for you. This is self-employment. I have no advice for how someone should get started in this business, because I don’t know you or what works for your lifestyle, your body, your relationships, your other jobs, etc. Unless your cock is 10 inches, this is a lot of hard work, and even then it’s a hustle. 

Read more by JV Marx on Gooning.

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content creator



Drew, aka Wise and Manly is a sexuality coach helping people to love themselves. As a bisexual man, he makes content about owning and embracing your sexuality as well as accepting your authentic self.

JV Marx

JV Marx


JV Marx is an erotic performer, content creator, artist and writer based in LA. He is especially known for his popular gooning content.

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