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What is a dildo?

What is a dildo?

The vegan version of good dick.

A dildo is a sex toy designed for sexual penetration or stimulation. It typically has a phallic shape and can be made from various materials such as silicone, rubber, or glass. Dildos come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and textures, catering to different preferences and desires. They are commonly used for solo or partnered sexual activities to enhance pleasure and arousal. When attached to a harness, they become a strap-on

What makes it hot?

The use of a dildo in sex can be arousing for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a versatile and customisable experience, allowing individuals or partners to explore different sensations and fulfil specific desires. The phallic shape can offer a sense of fullness and penetration, contributing to physical pleasure. Additionally, the shared experience of incorporating a sex toy into partnered activities can deepen intimacy and communication, fostering a sense of exploration and playfulness. 

Yes, many dildos are designed for both vaginal and anal use. However, it's crucial to choose a size and shape suitable for the intended purpose and use appropriate lubrication.

Consider your comfort level, preferences, and experience. Beginners may start with smaller sizes and gradually progress, while those more experienced may explore larger or textured options.

Avoid using porous materials like jelly rubber, as they can harbour bacteria. Opt for body-safe materials like silicone, glass, or stainless steel for easy cleaning and maintenance.


Use lubrication: Consider using a water-based lubricant to ensure comfort and reduce friction during dildo play.

Communicate: openly discuss desires, boundaries, and expectations with your partner when introducing a dildo into partnered activities.

Clean thoroughly: Properly clean and sanitise the dildo before and after use to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of bacteria.


Forget to start slow: If new to dildo play, start with smaller sizes and gradually progress to larger ones to allow the body to adjust comfortably.

Use the wrong lubricant: Avoid using silicone-based lubricants with silicone dildos, as it can damage the material. Opt for water-based lubricants instead.

Ignore safety: Be cautious with materials and ensure the dildo has a flared base or a sturdy handle to prevent any unwanted accidents during use.

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