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What is polyamory?

What is polyamory?

Why have 1 boyfriend when you can have 5?

Polyamory refers to the practice of engaging in consensual, ethical, and transparent romantic or sexual relationships with multiple partners simultaneously. In polyamorous relationships, individuals may have emotional, romantic, or sexual connections with more than one person, and the dynamics can take various forms, such as hierarchical or non-hierarchical structures.

What makes it hot?

The appeal of polyamory lies in the opportunity for individuals to explore diverse emotional connections and intimate relationships within the bounds of consensual agreements. It challenges traditional notions of monogamy, offering a space for open communication, honesty, and the acknowledgment that love and connection are not limited resources. Polyamorous relationships celebrate autonomy, communication, and the freedom to build varied and meaningful connections.

While jealousy can occur, it's not inevitable. Open communication, transparency, and addressing insecurities can help manage and mitigate jealousy in polyamorous dynamics.

Yes, polyamorous relationships can involve individuals with different sexual orientations. The key is open communication and mutual understanding of each person's needs and desires.

Balancing time and attention requires effective time management, communication, and a commitment to meeting the needs of all involved parties. Regular check-ins help maintain a healthy balance.


Open communication: Foster transparent and honest communication with all partners involved to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding expectations, boundaries, and needs.

Establish boundaries: Clearly define and communicate personal and relationship boundaries to maintain a healthy and respectful dynamic.

Prioritise consent: Ensure that all parties involved are consensually aware and agreeable to the polyamorous structure. Regularly check in on consent and revisit agreements as relationships evolve.


Neglect communication: Avoid assumptions and neglecting open communication. Regular check-ins help prevent misunderstandings and keep all parties informed.

Overlook boundaries: Respect the established boundaries of each partner and avoid pushing anyone beyond their comfort zones.

Neglect self-care: In the midst of multiple relationships, don't neglect self-care. Each individual should prioritise their well-being and ensure they have the emotional capacity for multiple connections.

Polyamory related experiences



Sometimes the best view is from the sidelines.