When the stereotypical image of sugar baby life is one of being pampered and treated to a luxury lifestyle, the last thing a sugar babe wants is to go on a date with a daddy to feel that it’s somewhat…seedy. It’s a very quick turn off. Now, seediness doesn’t equate to sex on the first date, there’s nothing crass about immediate intimacy, as long as you go about it in the right way. Here’s how to seduce a sugarbaby on the very first date. 

Create An Ambience

Rule numero uno.  I’m talking about music, good lighting… a comfortable atmosphere.  Whether it’s at your place, at a hotel or at a restaurant/bar, make sure the ambience is soft and intimate. No bright lights, no loud, large restaurants or cringe worthy music. Andrew Edmunds and Quo Vadis are two essential Soho dinner date spots. All this is assuming your date is an evening date (which is infinitely better than a daytime date in my opinion). However, if you are tasked with seducing a baby on a daytime date, whatever you do, don’t try to recreate a nighttime ambience. I’ve been on daytime hotel dates where I’ve walked into the room to find dance club music playing top volume on the TV. All this does is make the whole affair feel seedier. In fact, if the setting of a hotel is your first date choice, I would seriously try and avoid daytime dates. Going into a hotel to meet a stranger in broad daylight just doesn’t feel natural. For a daytime date, revel in the time of day.  Dine alfresco, or go to a cozy but quiet coffee shop. If you have a place to go back to afterwards, make sure it’s at least clean, put on some Sunday vibes music, just make it more daytime-y/cute-sy. My biggest rule is, just behave in the way you would with a normal date. If you wouldn’t take a Hinge date to a hotel in the middle of the afternoon, probably best to try and avoid doing that with a sugar baby.  A good ambience isn’t just there to benefit your baby, it’s going to create an atmosphere which will consciously or subconsciously affect you both, and maximise your comfortability and intimacy.


Don’t Shy Away From The Scandal

Once you’ve followed that essential step of creating a sexy setting, you kind of have free rein to be as scandalous as you want. One action can be made to feel very gross or very sexy- just watch the Galaxy chocolate ads. They make eating chocolate into something that seems almost boujee, sexy, tantalising, but you and I both know that scoffing your face with chocolate can also feel like the total opposite. So once the sexy setting is in place, the intimacy element doesn’t feel seedy. Honestly, some of my best sugar dates have been when a super rich, dom-daddy has ordered me to come straight to his place, and when I’ve arrived (in the sexy setting), we’ve gotten straight to it. Some of my worst dates have been when a daddy has been awkwardly teetering around the intimacy element, trying to ‘subtly’ initiate the sex. If we both already established via text that we are going to get intimate, I personally have no problem with a daddy showing off his sexual side and being as forward as he wants to when we meet. Revel in the scandal. Get creative, and think of some ways you can make the meet feel…naughty…


Make Her Feel Comfortable And Confident

I’ll shout it from the rooftops. Most people that are ‘bad in bed’ aren’t bad in bed at all, they’re just scared shitless. Shower your date with compliments, especially ones that relate to sexual attraction, and she’s going to be 100x more open once it comes to intimacy. Put yourself in her shoes. She’s literally about to meet a total stranger who is (usually) twice her age, and he’s paying to see her, largely based on her attractiveness. That’s a lot of pressure, plus a good old teaspoon of stranger-danger terror in the mix. A little reassurance goes a long way. Make sure she feels safe, and make sure she feels sexy. 


Come Prepared

Once I had a hotel date with a daddy and he marched me into M&S with him to buy a bottle of wine to take to the room and I’ve never been so rapidly turned off in my life(!) Popping into your local supermarket to buy alcohol with a total stranger whom you will shortly be having sex with is not a vibe. Traditional it may be, but seeming like you have your shit together as a daddy is usually a huge turn on. Come with everything you and her may require! And for bonus points, bring a gift! 


Dress Like A Daddy

This is totally down to personal preference but I know that I myself and many of my sugar babe friends always love a guy who dresses at least a little bit smart. It doesn’t have to be a full on suit (though that is hot), but something that could pass as a work smart-casual fit. I’m not judging those t-shirt and shorts daddies, but as a first impression, most sugar babies expect to meet a guy who fits the fantastical image in their head of what a sugar daddy is, and the t-shirt and shorts combo just ain’t it.

how-to guide
Sugar Baby
Sugar daddy



Iso is a writer and filmmaker based in East London. She is passionate about all things erotic and leads a sexy, shame-free life in hope that she can inspire others to do the same. Originally from a Northern seaside town, she is naturally drawn to the best things in life: candyfloss, trashy karaoke bars and heart-shaped sunglasses.

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