

Sebastian_Wright Coach London


Coach & Content creator

Male, Straight, London

Escort and Intimacy and Sexuality Coach for women looking to explore, discover and expand their capacity for pleasure

Boundaries Conscious Sexuality
spc Coach London



Female, Bisexual, London

Creative grassroots collective on a mission to empower women and AFAB to boldly explore their PLEASURE

Conscious Sexuality Workshops
GaySexCoach Coach London
5 1



Male, Gay, London

One of the UK's most unique gay sex and intimacy coaches.

Coaching Conscious Sexuality
RuthRamsay Coach London



Female, Straight, London

Helping you prepare to have epic new sexual adventures

Sex coaching Sex Education
julietachiara Coach Tulum


Coach & Content creator

Female, Bisexual, Tulum

Sex & BDSM Coach. Hajime Kinoko Certified Shibari Instructor.

Couples coaching Sex coaching
AndreasEmbodiment Coach Canberra


Coach & Content creator

Male, Gay, Canberra

Aussie guy helping men take their sexuality to cosmic levels. Online & Inperson experiences

Erotic Meditation Gay coaching
VenusLibido Coach Southampton
6 1



Female, Pansexual, Southampton

Sex, Relationship & Intimacy Coach

Intimacy building Reconnecting
JuliaSvirid Coach Warsaw


Coach & Content creator

Female, Straight, Warsaw

Julia Svirid is a Certified Sex Coach and Sex Educator. She is using modern mindfulness practices and coaching tools to empower people to have a fulfilling and healthy sex life. Julia is offering 1on1 coaching sessions and group workshops, online and offline. She’s also spreading sexual education for adults through various online platforms. Find out more about Julia’s work here: https://www.instagram.com/julia_sxcoach/

Online Courses Sex coaching
olivlips Coach London
9 1


Coach & Content creator

Female, Bisexual, London

Sensual Intimacy Coach here to guide you to fulfilling your deepest desires. What intrigues you most about sex & love?

Coaching Couples coaching
anastasiaoceano Coach London


Coach & Content creator

Non Binary, Pansexual, London

I teach you how to become a desire magnet using sex magick and erotic healing 😮‍💨

Sex magick coaching
OpenRelating Coach London


Coach & Content creator

Male, Straight, London

Helping guide you towards more conscious, healthy, autonomous and connected relationships with yourself and others.

Consent workshop Counselling
Emmcheeky Coach London
2 2


Coach & Content creator

Female, Pansexual, London

I’m Emmcheeky - a pleasure pixie passionate about comprehensive and inclusive sex education

Educational 1 on 1
What is a coach?

What is a coach?

Training you to do pleasure better.

A sensual coach is a professional who specialises in providing guidance, support, and coaching related to sensuality, intimacy, and personal well-being. These coaches work with individuals or couples to explore and enhance their sensual and intimate lives, focusing on aspects like communication, self-awareness, and relationship dynamics.

What makes it hot?

Enhancing intimacy: Sensual coaches help individuals and couples deepen their connection, improve communication, and explore ways to enhance intimacy within a relationship.

Fostering self-exploration: They encourage self-awareness and self-discovery, helping clients understand their desires, boundaries, and preferences in the realm of sensuality and intimacy.

Improving communication: Sensual coaches often focus on improving communication skills, facilitating open and honest discussions about desires, needs, and concerns related to sensuality and intimacy.

Create a Safe Space: Establish a safe and non-judgmental environment for clients to share their thoughts and feelings. This fosters trust and openness in the coaching relationship.

Sessions typically involve discussions about communication, self-discovery, and relationship dynamics. Coaches provide guidance on enhancing sensuality and intimacy.

No, sensual coaching is available for individuals and couples. It can address personal growth, self-discovery, and improving intimate relationships, whether single or partnered.

The timeline varies, but clients often experience positive shifts in awareness and intimacy after a few sessions. Consistency and commitment contribute to long-term results.


Why we should all be practicing self-pleasure

Why we should all be practicing self-pleasure

Posted by Emily

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Self Pleasure Club, a grassroots community for women, intersex, non-binary, trans and gender non-conforming humans, explain why we should all be practicing more self-pleasure.

Meet sex & BDSM coach, Julieta Chiara

Meet sex & BDSM coach, Julieta Chiara

Posted by Iso

Friday 8 December 2023

Sensuali chatted with the marvellous Julieta Chiara, sex & BDSM coach and Certified Deviant™. We spoke about bringing kink into the light, her varied range of clients and why everyone can benefit from learning BDSM ethics.

On intimacy coaching & sex education: meet April Maria

On intimacy coaching & sex education: meet April Maria

Posted by Iso

Friday 24 November 2023

Sensuali chatted with coach April Maria aka Venus Libido, known for her sex education and intimacy coaching. We talked about her favourite innovative sex toys, the many factors that help to maintain a healthy libido and how exploring non-monogamy doesn’t always have to mean having sex outside of your relationship.


Create a safe space: Establish a safe and non-judgmental environment for clients to share their thoughts and feelings. This fosters trust and openness in the coaching relationship.

Tailor approaches: Recognise that each client is unique, and tailor coaching approaches to their specific needs and goals. A personalised approach ensures greater effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes.

Encourage consent and boundaries: Emphasise the importance of consent and the establishment of clear boundaries, both in the coaching relationship and in clients' personal lives.



Avoid imposing values: Refrain from imposing personal values or beliefs onto clients. Instead, guide them in exploring and defining their own values and preferences.

Cross Professional Boundaries: Maintain professional boundaries and avoid engaging in any behaviour that may be perceived as inappropriate or unprofessional. The focus should remain on coaching and personal development.

Skip ethical considerations: Be aware of and adhere to ethical guidelines in coaching. Respect client confidentiality and privacy, and handle sensitive information responsibly.